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Single - "mogie is deciding on her chat-up line"
- "Stacey has not yet written a chat up line."
Divorced - "only real men need apply!"
Single - "I'm as crazy as a box of frogs! Love a laugh and enjoy life to the full. Well, that's what it's all about!"
Single - "profile not completed"
Single - "Nothing happens by chance, by fate. You create your own fate by your actions. So let's see what happens!"
Has a boyfriend - "profile not completed"
Single - "Prince Charming where are you!!!"
Married - "i dont bite unless u want me to hehe"
Single - "only had one boyfriend so far. will i find one here?"
Single - "Horny and looking for a decent guy to fuck my cunt"
- Not Given - - "Fun time girl!!!"
- Not Given - - "Hello Boys"
Separated - "hey love a naughty chat xx"
Single - "right so wat u got to say for ur self?"
Single - "Yes I'm single! But I'm perfectly happy for you to change that! Let's just hope you've got what it takes."
Single - "Yes I'm single! But I'm perfectly happy for you to change that! Let's just hope you've got what it takes."