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- Not Given - - "Horny and up for it!!!"
Divorced - "only real men need apply!"
Single - "tasha47789 is deciding on her chat-up line"
Separated - "ella47 is deciding on her chat-up line"
Single - "only had one boyfriend so far. will i find one here?"
Single - "Even I have to say .. what a beautiful view!!"
- "Im 18 and from Bristol. Im muslim but I love having fun and going out clubbing ect."
Single - "mogie is deciding on her chat-up line"
Single - "Horny and looking for a decent guy to fuck my cunt"
Single - "OiOi, a little about myself? Well, I'm friendly, sweet, cute, easy going and very active. I go to University in Glasgow and I'm studying Media and Photo-Editing and English literature. I'm always up for fun and don't tend to go over board very much! I dri"
Single - "like to get to know ppl"
Single - "Sara has not yet written a chat up line."
- Not Given - - "Hello Boys"
Separated - "hey love a naughty chat xx"
- Not Given - - "terrificmodel19 is deciding on her chat-up line"
Single - "Yes I'm single! But I'm perfectly happy for you to change that! Let's just hope you've got what it takes."